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Friday, 19 October 2012

Paleo Day 5

Friday is Gym day! I personally both love and hate gym day! My PT session starts at 830am and finishes at 9am. Today was my last day walking to the gym. We've moved house, but we had work to to do at the old one and thought we'd park there and have one last walk up. I say 'we', because Andrew took the day off to help clean things up and move things. So the 4 of us set of. Andrew pushing Eden in the pram, Jensen and I walking slowly behind. Jensen and I aren't fast walkers, but Jensen is slower than me (and not just coz he's little). Turns out he forgot his shoes (AGAIN!) and had to wear sandals that had been left behind at the old house. He didn't bother to tell us they didn't fit and were rubbing the skin of his little toes until halfway through the 1.6km walk. He  screamed and whinged and cried and carried on. Finally when he told us, we took his shoes off and he had to walk the rest of the way barefoot. He was ok then.
This is how he travelled home. Check out Eden not letting him go!

Because it was a gym day, and week one into the Paleo challenge, and because I originally weighed in at the gym, I decided not to eat breakfast. I can't have food impacting on how much I have or haven't lost!

Toilet, scales and Oh My Gosh! I've lost 2.2kg this first week! That means just 5.3kg to my big huge ultimate goal (and also the one set by my trainer)! To my mini goal, just 3.3kg. There is still 7 weeks left of this challenge, so who knows! I so hope I can do this.

My reflection

When we got back from the gym, I ate my granola for 'breakfast' even though it was 9:30.

I didn't eat it out of this bowl, I ate it out of tupperware.

I also forgot it was Jensen's prep interview that day, so we got back in the car, went back home, got changed, went to the interview and went back to the old house. At the interview we were told that Jensen was one of the brightest so far of the 60 kids who had already had their interview. Proud mummy moment.

We got some stuff done at the old house, I had a boiled egg -2 actually, but Eden ate the other - for lunch. I also snacked on some mixed nuts. After a trip back to the new place to drop some stuff off, we left the kids and went back to do a dump run.
oh yeah, a bit of paleo chocolate!
On our way home, we dropped into a house that sells honey (you know, you see the signs that say 'Honey $ x a kg' by the side of the road?). Bought 1kg of honey (yep! We go through a lot of honey and local honey tastes better anyway!) for $6.50.
Andrew made dinner. I had left over vegies and he made marinated rump steak. We then crashed early coz I had to work this weekend!

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