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Thursday, 5 May 2016

September 1 - 7 2014

September 2

Nothing reminds me how much I hate running like couch 2 5k, and it's only week 1...

September 5
I really dislike calling about student absences. I just hate when he's home sick. He's been off school more in one semester this year than the entire year last year. Jensen did have high temps, now he's cold and just slept for 2 hours under his blanket, wearing pajamas and a dressing gown. And then was dry reaching in the shower. :(

 I hate that Eden takes my 10 min of me-time as such a huge rejection. Far out, it's 10 minutes.
frown emotico

September 7
Happy Father's Day to Andrew (and my dad and father in law and all the dads)! (Here is a pic of my dad with my kids)

September 8
Jensen: Why is it "every inch of you is perfect from the bottom to the top"? (referring to Meghan Trainor's 'All About That Bass')
Me: Well, she's saying everyone is perfect.
Jensen: Well, nearly everyone.
Me: Why? Who is not perfect?
Jensen: Patrick.

Poor Patrick, whoever he is...

September 10 
School Concert: My little performer!

September 12 
Garage Sale tomorrow... So much stuff. I'm overwhelmed with how I'm going to organise it all. Eden must think all her christmases have come all at once, she's having a ball playing with the toys...

September 13
Ah, I miss Little Athletics. Shame my son doesn't have the same appreciation for it.

I miss Little Athletics. I loved it, even losing every running race. Seems that trait runs in the family. ‪#‎dontlethissmilefoolyou‬ ‪#‎imprettysurehehatesit‬‪#‎littleathleticsqueensland‬
I'm 150% sure he won't come back! He's upset cos he ran last, he head planted during hurdles and they had to lower the bar for him to jump it on the 3rd try. He refused to have another go after that. Just long jump to go! I'm trying to get him into something, he's too sedentary, too sensitive and is almost on par with Eden as a drama queen

September 14
 I tried, I'm still upset about mine.

Family camp oven time!

Andrew built a fire pit!!

September 16

Yesterday's school pick up
 She was thinking "Stop taking pictures of me" because that's what she was saying smile emoticon

Mr 7 needed new shoes. We unintentionally bought black with red laces, just like dad's!

I hate doorknockers. Just coz the dog barks at the door because you're there, does not mean I'm going to open it. I was focused on this assignment until you pressed the never-ending doorbell.

We grew more carrot! Decently sized this time! Eden ate the biggest one, and right up to the green! Normally she makes a fuss about the carrot tops (on store-bought carrots), but this one must have been really good! The other 3 are for Jensen's lunch tomorrow

September 17

"No milo on your oats this morning." Instead we used this recipe as our home-made milo. It's a hit :) ‪#‎nofilter‬ ‪#‎nnam‬ ‪#homemademilo‬     They actually like the stuff we made, we call it "chocolate nuts". They won't drink it in place of milo, but like it on their oats. She was happier when I let her put her own on.

Dear Santa. I would like a new car. Thanks.  (Apparently the starter motor wants attention this time.)

Awesome report from the parent - teacher interview!

September 18
Aaaaand we wait for RACQ...

September 19
Uni buddy

I love school holidays! Shame I have a 2500 word assignment and poster to complete by the week after. Holiday + assignments = stress!

September 20
My kids are up early, playing Lego nicely with each other! It's a work day for me, so who knows how long their peace will last!

That's a 2nd person who's asked me if I'm the RN on today. *sigh* No. It hurts when they ask, feels like it's never going to happen cry emoticon

Kids are happily watching a movie. This is the company I get... To be fair, he did have trouble sleeping the night before.

September 21
Scored myself a free cannula and fancy backless dress. Possible pneumothorax. Turns out it's costochrondritis. I had hurt myself coughing about 2 months ago. Today I sneezed. Hello agony!

September 22
Just checked Jensen's school banking dollarmite account. Holy moly, he has more savings than me!

September 23
He is so happy that he trapped my mouse! ‪#‎mousetrap‬‪#‎schoolholidayfun‬

This kid has a the true monopoly going on here! I owe him AND the board! ‪#‎monopolyjunior‬ ‪#‎schoolholidayfun‬

Jensen made lasagne for dinner!

Anyone else find reading text speak insulting? I went to school, surely they did.

September 24

She hated every minute, despite asking to play it.

Still 2000 words left to write. For a moment, I thought I knew what I had to write. Then my brain said "TIRED! Can't focus!" I did work out that if I achieve 200 words per day, I will be finished with enough days remaining to proof-read and edit before submission.

September 26
Today's uni buddies. Lego, snacks, iPad and MacBook at the ready for quiet distraction. ‪#‎schoolholidayfun‬

Fantastic well behaved kids at uni. Horrible fighting brats the minute we walk in the front door at home. *sigh* save me

Hair appointment with complimentary cup of tea. Local and great service! ‪#‎pretend play‬